Friday, August 1, 2014

Beach Boondocking

  Most of Nova Scotia is rural but there’s not a lot of public land that’s easily accessible plus we don’t know the rules so we haven’t been attempting to boondock. However I spotted this little strip of land on Google satellite view and when we went to check it out we found a beautiful, rocky, lakeside beach with four long pull in spaces. The first one was taken by a couple camping in a VW van, the next two had picnickers, and we got the last one. We had a very quiet night because hardly anyone drives along these small country roads.45.9827, -60.81243
nova scotia1


  1. Trying to find an email address for you, but anyhow....I've enjoyed following your blog for the last year (I'm a C7 wheelchair user, who camps in a travel trailer with my husband and 2 kids - did it for 3 months in Oregon last winter) and especially recently as you explore the Maritimes (we just moved across Canada to NB). While I use a power chair (Frontier X5) outdoors (amazing to go on the beach, keep up with the kids etc) and so many paths etc inaccessible to you are to a powerchair user. But when using my manual chair on grass, gravel, etc. I use a FreeWheel ( which might open many of those inaccessible trails up for you as well as unpaved campsites etc....was not sure if you'd heard of the product? Pretty innovative (designed by a wheeler) and relatively inexpensive....

    1. Thanks for the information! I'm so happy to see another wheelchair user RVing. There aren't very many of us.

      Here's my email -

      I won't be able to get back to you for a few days. I'm just grabbing a bit of WiFi from a restaurant and won't have good internet for awhile yet.

  2. You guys would fit in this spot! It's really long. Hope you're having a good trip. Without internet I'm so far behind reading and writing blogs.
