This is a beautiful setting but don’t expect to be alone.Since the camping area is easy to access and close to Silverton, it’s very popular. A sign with the rules marks the entrance. Dispersed camping is allowed in designated areas only. A large opened rocky area allows camping close to the creek. Other camping spots are nestled under the pines. Dust may be a problem depending on the wind and the amount of traffic through the campground. No tables or trash cans but there is a vault toilet. Rangers make regular rounds to enforce the 14 day camping limit.
The creek is polluted with metals from mine drainage. It’s still pretty but I doubt that it supports any life.
The camping area is accessible by any RV. The road is a little rough but in good condition overall. This link is for a developed campground a few miles father down the road. It also has information about the dispersed camping areas- Camping
37.81922, -107.71423
It looks beautiful there! I'm a quad in an electric wheelchair, we also love travelling in an adapted motorhome (although not full-time). Great blog!
ReplyDeleteHi Kary! I noticed that you joined before I saw this comment. I'd been looking for some way to contact you so I was very happy to see the comment. Anyway I checked out your blog - wow, you're a busy guy and a lot braver than me. :-) I'm really interested in your motorhome. Could you do a blog post about it?
ReplyDeleteThere aren't a lot of us, RVers in wheelchairs,much lest ones who have blogs but there is another person who just started a blog - I've been considering doing a post that would include a little about her and now you too with links to your blogs if that's okay with you. I still have to check with her. Just a way to spread information around and hopefully get it to people who could really use it. It looks like we have pretty diverse ways of RVing and enjoying the outdoors which is good.
Hi Karen. We are about to be in this area. I'm so excited. Thanks so much for scouting it out and adding so many great spots to our website. All of your photos are stunning. It looks like there is a lot to do in the area. This is going to be a great summer. Hope your summer is amazing too!
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late reply. We're in Canada and have to depend on free WiFi. You'll love Colorado. There are so many beautiful places to boondock. Have a great time!
DeleteWe found a few good spots in Washington and BC but I haven't gotten around to adding them to your site.