We often stop and spend the night at casinos that welcome RVers. Then of course we have to go in and try our luck. There goes our free camping spot!
The parking lot of this casino is pretty large and level. We always park fairly far from the entrance if there aren’t signs directing us to RV parking. It’s an easy roll to the front door with a push button to automatically open the door. Inside most of the aisles are wide enough to fit easily. The chairs are not fixed in place and light enough to push or pull out of the way. Employees were quick to help move them. Carpeting is easy to roll on.The slots to insert money and receive tickets are within easy reach.
UPDATE 2018 The casino now has about 8 RV spots with electricity behind the employee parking lot. There's no charge and a three day limit. If the spaces are filled you may not be permitted to stay.
We ate in the main restaurant. The seating isn’t very good, booths around the edges and the tables had supports made from cypress tree trunks. Pretty cool idea but the trunks don’t allow wheelchairs to pull up close enough to get under the tables.
The nights that we stayed music was piped out into the parking lot until about 1:00 AM. A little loud if you’re a light sleeper. Immokalee Casino
26.41047, -81.41624
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