Friday, May 24, 2024

Lower White River Museum State Park

The entire park is a one room museum which contains exhibits on the role that the White River played in early settlements in the area. Steamboats plied the river; log rafts were floated to the mills; and fishing and boat building were important industries along with mussel gathering for food and button making. I didn't see any mention of the Native American population although they surely lived along the river too. 

One of the more interesting exhibits is an advertising poster for McElree's Wine of  Cardui. It supposedly eased menstrual cramps, restored wasted muscles, was beneficial during pregnancy and after childbirth, and was a cure-all for many diseases peculiar to women. I think the 19% alcohol content may have something to do with the women feeling better. :D

 The museum is accessible.

The parking lot is small with only one entrance/exit. RVs will fit if backed across the grass. It may be okay to park large RVs in the seed supply business across the street. Museum  34.97716, -91.51667


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