Friday, September 29, 2023

Trinity Heights

Trinity Heights is a quiet garden with winding walkways, benches, a little stream, trees, and Catholic religious statues. The most impressive ones are the 33' Jesus, the 30' Mary, and the life size hand-carved Last Supper. 
The paved walkways are accessible but some of the interpretive signs are at an angle that makes them hard to see from a seated position. The St. Joseph Center-Museum, where the Last Supper is located, is accessible.
The parking lot is large enough for any RV.  Trinity Heights   42.52796, -96.37838  


  1. I wonder if the artist who did these statues is one who did the Dignity statue on I 90 South Dakota. They look a like that one. One of these years, I may get to see Dignity, she is popular with quilters.

    1. I had to look it up. :) Yep, it's the same artist - Dale Lamphere. When I was writing this post I got curious about how stainless steel statues are made. It's a lot of work and so different from cast bronze. The steel is hammered to get the right shapes and pieces are welded together. Then the seams have to be smoothed out and everything is polished.

