Thursday, October 6, 2022

Donaldson Farms Market

Donaldson's is a traditional farm market with a large section of fresh fruits and vegetables. While the farm is not certified organic many organic farming practices are used. No-till planting and biodegradable ground cover help to safeguard the environment. With this in mind we happily bought a variety of produce including some of the dirty dozen which we usually avoid unless they are organic. Everything that we bought was very good except for the peaches which weren't picked ripe and weren't as good as Columbia River, Georgia, or Chambersburg peaches even after they ripened. The corn, which we ate along with the zucchini, and shrimp from our freezer, was excellent - so good that we bought more corn and zucchini to eat the next night along with barbecued chicken. Yum!


The market is accessible but the parking lot is surfaced with loose gravel which is difficult to push through. The accessible space has a paved section that goes into the store.

This is a Harvest Hosts site. The parking area is a very large grassy field.  Guests are requested to not park close to the houses at the south side of the lot. We parked near the entrance where the employees parked. Another guest parked at the far west end beside the corn field. Market  40.83048, -74.8433



  1. Oh, terrific, I just knew this was a HH site. I should've read this post after dinner -- I'm hungry and starting to salivate from reading it and seeing the pics. Great stop, huh?

    1. Yep, great stop! Don't miss it if you go through New Jersey.
