Monday, January 27, 2025

2025 RTRs

Another great gathering of nomads for the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous and Women's Rubber Tramp Rendezvous!  This is the six year that I've volunteered at the HOWA booth to answer questions, hand out stickers, and collect donations. The RTRs are geared towards new and soon to be new nomads so many of the people who come are new to the road and the daily seminars are very helpful for them. 

The free tables are always popular as nomads find items that they need and drop off  things that they thought they needed but are now just taking up space. 

Attendees can get clothing repaired for free at the sewing booth, play board games, listen to buskers, sign the 2025 plywood van, eat lunch at the food trucks, buy tickets for the sweepstakes of Bob Well's ambulance, donate to get a 2025 RTR name button, buy an RTR tee shirt or pick up a pre-ordered one, and get their picture taken with Bob Wells. Since Bob Wells' YouTube channel is where many nomads discover that this life is a possibility for them, meeting him is exciting. 

Volunteers are the vital force of the RTRs and every year we have a large group of wonderful people who willing give their time to make everything run smoothly from setup to break down. For all their work they get a pizza lunch, cupcakes, a 2025 patch, and HOWA's complete and total gratitude. 

We usually camp with some of the volunteers on BLM land. This year was exceptionally windy so few nightly campfires were held but we did have a chili potluck dinner organized by D. Rock and the traditional burning of the plywood van. Looking forward to next year!

Getting up early every day to volunteer does have some advantages. We got to watch the moon set! :) HOWA  33.676, -114.2102


  1. I figured you were there. Looks like fun, but our Doctor appoints land in December-March.

    1. At least you're in Florida! Many people come from the north and drive for days to get to the warm southwest. It has been a bit chilly this year though.
