Sunday, July 2, 2023

Lakewold Gardens

The gardens are part of an estate gifted to the non-profit organization, the Friends of Lakewold, by the last owner, Eulalie Wagner. It's tucked into a residential neighborhood and is rather small at only 10 acres with a little over 1/2 mile of walking trails.
Very little of the garden is wheelchair accessible due to hilly terrain and unsuitable ground cover. With advance notice metal ramps will be put in place to bridge the steps at the garden shop and admissions desk. We had free admission with our American Horticultural Society pass but it's not worth it if you have to pay.

RVs will fit in the lot if parked across the spaces.  Gardens  47.14552, -122.53808


  1. Again your pictures are wonderful, showcasing the gardens. I'm sorry there isn't more/better accessibility

    1. I think it's a matter of money at this garden. They just don't have enough visitors to do what needs to be done.
