Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Still Learning About Blogger

  Way back in May I decided to start adding little state maps at the bottom of each post so that readers could see exactly where the attraction was located. I didn’t realize then that I could attach a link to the picture. I’ve noticed clickable pictures which opened to more information on other blogs but for some reason I thought that it would be complicated to do. It’s easy!  So I’m going to insert links on all of the little maps. When they are clicked on, a Google Map will open in a different window with the attraction pinpointed on the state map. It’ll take awhile for me to finish all of them but it should make using the site a little easier.  As the blog grows the amount of links grow too so if you find any that are broken or go to the wrong place please let me know so that I can fix them.


  1. Gotta love Windows Live Writer, helps in making blogging easy :).

  2. What a nice thing to do for your blog followers!

  3. It's all magic! I still get excited when I discover something new. :)

    Cathie - I see that you just started RVing. Looks like you had fun over the summer!
