Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Cleveland Museum of Art

This is an amazing place - one of the best art museums we have visited, maybe the best! The collections include Chinese Art, Modern European Art, African Art, Drawings, Prints, European Art, Textiles and Islamic Art, American Painting and Sculpture, Greek and Roman Art, Contemporary Art, Medieval Art, Decorative Art and Design, Pre-Columbian and Native North American Art, Japanese and Korean Art, Indian and Southeast Asian Art, and Photography. Each piece of art on display is superb. It's a large museum and a bit overwhelming so if you don't have a lot of time pick a few galleries to enjoy in-depth.

The museum opened in 1916 with funding by Hinman B. Hurlbut, John Huntington, and Horace Kelley, some of Cleveland's richest industrialists. It's been enlarged several times over the years with the most ambitious additions finished in 2013. The original $1.25 million white Georgian marble building has been connected to the new additions by a large atrium with a multi-pane skylight roof. 

The museum is accessible.

Parking in a garage so RVs must be parked on the street. We found good metered parking on Wade Oval Drive and Hazel Drive. Both are are bit of hike from the museum but the sidewalks and curb cuts are in good condition. Museum  41.50818, -81.61155


  1. WOW! I want to see this museum! Except I have to go to Cleveland to do so ... oh well, thanks for your fantastic pics.

    1. We were impressed! And surprised. We didn't expect something like this in Cleveland.
