Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Super Museum

All Superman fans know that he lived in Metropolis, however, little Metropolis, Illinois is hardly the large, prosperous city pictured in the comic books and movies but it is the perfect spot for Jim Hambrick enormous collection of Superman memorabilia. Hambrick's collection started with a Superman lunch box that his mother gave him for his fifth birthday. His collection now has over 70,000 items with original movie props and costumes plus almost every type of toy ever produced. 

The gift shop is packed with all kinds of stuff so that you can start your own collection!.

There's also a huge bronze Superman statue across the street.

The museum is mostly accessible. It meanders and there are a few narrow spots where large wheelchairs may not fit. One small room has a step up.

Parking is available on the street. Museum  37.15244, -88.73243



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